Analytics & insights
Is all the analytics data stored automatically in the tool? What options for integrations are there? For example Google Analytics.
The One2Five platform itself is not collecting analytics data beyond the content that is submitted, as such analytics would usually be part of the website displaying the content.
What tools are there for reputation management?
1) Review Moderation & Customer Experience
Every review undergoes a thorough moderation process. Here we focus among others on the prevention of content that could harm the reputation and secondly a respectful customer experience valuing the time reviewers invest. For example, reviewers get regular status update via mail from verification until publishing or rejection (including reasons why rejected)
2) Alert system / content flagging
Our system allows to setup certain triggers to report cases. For example, if a review has been rejected due to the moderation criteria “customer service” this review be reported directly to your customer service.
3) Review Commenting
To show gratitude and/or support reviews should be commented from time-to-time. This can be done in our platform. The comments can be added by users with access to the One2Five Review Management System. If support needed our team can support with this task too.
4) Our API and data structure allows to feed our data into reputation management tools that might already be in place. Further requirements management needed.