Moderating and managing reviews

What tools do you provide for efficiently enabling our internal users to moderate and manage reviews?

We have our dedicated team of moderators who are all native speakers of the submitted review language. We have a standard set of moderation guidelines which the moderators follow, these can to some extent be influenced by client needs.
If a team member on client side disagrees with a moderation decision, they can overrule it within the moderation hub, a comment must be left to explain the re-moderation decision for transparency and learning for our moderators.
We highly recommend to make use of the moderation service offered by us as it is an industry standard not to moderate your own reviews yourselves.

Is there a automatic profanity filters?

We do have a filter list per language which will automatically reject a review if certain words are present. Our human moderators are the final check however to ensure that no reviews containing profanity slip through.

Is it possible for our internal users, and site visitors to distinguish between verified / unverified and sponsored reviews?

Yes, through our badging system your reviews will be marked with badges such as verified, unverified, sponsored, employee etc. The badges appear in both the tool and on your website towards consumers. Badges can also be manually added in the tool either on each review individually or through a badging upload service which marks batches of reviews at once.

Please explain the flow, from when a review gets left on our site until it's published and visible to other site visitors.

The review flow depends on the chosen setup and additional factors. The most common flow is this:
1. The Review is submitted via the submission endpoint and validated to include all required information.
2. A verification mail is sent to the e-mail address given in the submission.
3. By clicking the link in the verification mail, the user verifies the submitted content.
4. The verified content gets moderated, the user receives a mail to inform about the outcome of the moderation.
5. The approved content is made available to be displayed.

What tools are there for approving / disapproving and removing reviews?

Moderators have their own access to the One2Five Platform and moderate the content in their own moderation environment. Similar tools are available to re-moderate content through the Review Management view by users with permission to moderate.

What does the internal user's toolbox for reading, replying to and commenting on reviews look like?

In the Review Management it is possible, to search through the entire library of existing content. You can read all reviews, approved and rejected and reply to any of them. The reply will be part of the content, that is made available for display.

Can our internal users read the full reviews including star rating and more before the review is published?

Internal users can see all content: approved, rejected and pending for moderation. For transparency reasons, the standard flow does not include additional approval.

Are there any pre-set flows, rules and processes for managing bad reviews and providing customer support?

We have a setup with our moderation team in which they will flag to the client account team if they see a review which they find particularly troubling or believe needs to be responded to quickly by the client. Your account team will then forward this information to you for your further action. The process for handling such a review after this is done on the client side. We can offer additional review response services but it is not included as standard.

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