Sourcing reviews
Can we get reviews from the App Store, or send to the App Store?
It is of course possible to import existing content and content from other sources into the One2Five platform.
We can provide you with a dummy upload file, that fulfills all requirements for the import.
If you refer to App Reviews, not related to the products, the app store polcies are applicaple. To import these reviews to our system the review parameter needs to be defined / aligned.
The collection and display of product reviews via your is technically possible as long as the integration of the review interface is possible in your apps.
Can we activate PIE (Post Interaction Emails) using the tool? If yes, what possiblities are there for rule-based automation and integrations with other systems?
Yes, PIE-campaigns can be set up inside the One2Five platform. Sendouts can be tailored based on category or product lists and limited to certain dates. It is also possible to provide specific lists of users to be targetted with a “blast sendout”.
Is it possible to create "families" of products? So that we can gather all ratings and reviews for all variants of a product (or products in a category) in one place?
Yes, it’s possible to group products in both categories and families.
Can we use the product to create post-purchase coupons or other incentives for leaving a review?
It’s possible to set up automated campaigns for post-submission send-outs. As part of such a campaign, coupon codes can be inserted dynamically.
Are there any tools for creating samplings / sweepstakes / raffles?
We have additional services and tools for review generation activities. It is possible to create PIE campaigns which offer incentives, including vouchers. For sampling, we have our which currently operates in Sweden, Germany & the UK but has the possibility to expand to other markets upon requested.
What are the possibilities for internal syndication? Meaning sharing reviews from one market site to the other? For example showing a review from our website in Germany on the website in UK?
Reviews can be shared internally between different markets. Translation can be enabled individually and is handled via Google-translation.
What are the possibilities for external syndication? Meaning sharing reviews with external parties - both giving and receiving? Mainly our own dealers and retailers. For example Amazon, Lowe's,
All native review content can be shared with third parties via API. For the API access, third parties will be supplied separate API-keys. Third party submission can also be activated for these external API-Keys.
How can we utilize the tool to allow for leaving reviews on our site? For example - a section on product detail pages.
The most common setup is to have the “write a review” on your product detail pages. However, there are possibilities to also have the write a review integrated into the product registration process for example. Another possibility is a dedicated review landing page where users can serach after the prodcut and submit reviews.
Can we source ratings and reviews from our apps for our appliances?
It is technically possible to collcect reviews via apps as long as the submission call can be integrated into the app.
Is it possible to create review templates?
Yes, our API allows dynamic creation of review templates.
Are there any ways to set up rules for who can leave a review?
Utilizing our API solution, look and feel of the content display lies completely in your hands. You can for example, only allow review submission after products are registered. These reviews could then also be badged as “verified purchase”.